Outings Policy Outings provide an opportunity for both children and adults to share in active learning experiences, which can be used to enhance many areas of the curriculum delivered at the childcare service. 

Our service is committed to planning and undertaking appropriate and wellsupervised outings with the children’s safety at the forefront of the planning. In order to ensure all outings are safe and enjoyable the following procedures are in place: 


● Risk assessment is carried out before the outing takes place. 

● Prior written information about proposed outings will be delivered to parents and consent forms must be signed prior to outings. 

● Outings are used by the centre as a way of extending the curriculum. 

● The staff adult ratios are adhered to at all times (as per Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016). The ratio for outings will be increased if necessary based on a risk assessment. 

● The insurance company is contacted prior to the outing to confirm that the event is covered by the service‟s insurance policy. 

● If children are to be in the care of other personnel/services during an outing, it is advised that the child protection policy of that service be discussed in advance. 

● Only safe road worthy transportation methods will be used to transport children on outings. Any vehicles used for outings will have the relevant insurance cover and up to date road tax and NCT. 

● At least one member of staff with current First Aid training will be included on the outing. 

● A First Aid box will be taken on all outings. 

● A group photo must be taken of children on the morning of any outing as per TUSLA/HSE guidelines to ensure that there is an up to date/recent record of the children recording what each child is wearing in the unfortunate event that a child might go missing to support efforts to reunite the group. Regular head counts and a roll call will be taken at various intervals during the outing. 

● All outings arranged will be age and stage appropriate

Contact Information If you require further information regarding this policy contact

Name Lorraine Casey, Business Manager

Phone number 094 93 70833

Email; glornanog@gmail.com  

Date this policy was created Sept 2008

Date the policy is reviewed May 2024

Date this policy will be reviewed May 2026