Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd recognizes that inclusion is about accepting and valuing human diversity and providing the necessary support so that all children and their families can participate successfully in our childcare service. Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd  fully supports the inclusion of all children within our childcare setting and local community. The protocol for inclusion in Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd  will be used as a tool for the enrolment of children based on meeting the child’s needs in the service, encouraging communication between all involved, and ensuring every child’s full participation in the childcare setting.  


Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd  is committed to the inclusion of children with additional needs. The crèche will make every effort to meet the additional needs of children and work with visiting professionals and carers as and when needed, and with the families using this service; note that crèche is wheel-chair accessible. Our policy of the Inclusion of children with additional needs is reinforced by our Equal Opportunities Policy.


To ensure that the Child Inclusion Policy is implemented Child Inclusion Procedures revolve around meeting the child’s needs in the service, encouraging communication between all involved, and ensuring every child reaches their full potential in the childcare setting. As part of the enrolment process parents will be provided with a Parent Information Leaflet and a Getting to Know Your Child – Registration form. Where necessary, when the forms are complete a parent/guardian can then request a support meeting


Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd.  will endeavour to learn key words in all children’s first language, and any written information will be translated if at all possible for parents. This service recognises that each child’s language skills develops at a different rate and that their experiences vary, therefore the range of activities, experiences and opportunities for language will be as wide and varied as possible within the facility - which aims to support and promote Inclusion of all ethnic and language diversity. 


It is Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd. ’s policy to recognise and respect the individuality of all children and adults/families involved in our service, and to promote and encourage all children and service users to develop positive attitudes to differences of culture, race, gender, disability, language and economic circumstances, minority groups and members of the Traveller community. This policy will be supported by the crèches admission procedures, its recruitment of staff, staff training, and by the curriculum delivered within the service. 


In order to fulfil our Equal Opportunities Policy in recognising and respecting the individuality of children and adults/families involved in our service and to promote positive attitudes to all - the crèches Equal Opportunities Procedure covers various topics in order to achieve this: The crèches Admissions Procedures ensures that the service is open to all families in the community. The waiting list is operated as per the admissions procedure. We at Aghamore Childcare Company Ltd.  recognise that: 

  • All families should be encouraged to be involved in their children’s early education, in whatever way is possible to them.
  • The inclusion of all families into decision-making etc. in this service is valued equally.
  • There are many different types of families.
  • Children can be loved and cared for in many different family settings.

 Our Curriculum ensures that: 

  • Children are valued and supported to develop their strengths and interests.
  • The individuality of each child is respected and nurtured.
  • A wide range of activities and play equipment is provided in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. These should present positive images of children and adults in society.
  • Children are encouraged at all times to appreciate and embrace similarities and value differences.
  • A range of materials are chosen to reflect the culture, gender and ability differences of the children attending the service.
  • Collaboration and co-operation among children and staff is supported.
  • Recruitment and employment of staff will comply with all relevant equality legislation.

Our service recognises that all children have individual needs however, some have more than others. Individual additional needs are acknowledged. Every effort will be made to support the needs of children and parents using this service to ensure the integration of children with additional needs and the integration of ethnic and language diversity. Where appropriate every effort will be made to meet the medical needs of children. In terms of Staff and Training this childcare service will deal with all job applicants in a fair manner and follow correct procedures as set out in current Employment and Equality Legislation (see relevant sections on recruitment and training below).. In-service training will be provided for all staff members and adults in the area of equal opportunities, in order to raise awareness of discriminatory actions or behaviours. Adults and children will be challenged and helped to understand that discriminatory actions and behaviours are not acceptable.

Contact Information If you require further information regarding this policy contact:

Name Lorraine Casey, Business Manager

Phone number 094 93 70833


Date this policy was created Sept 2008

Date the policy is reviewed May 2024

Date this policy will be reviewed May 2026