Fire Safety Policy and Procedure

 Procedures are in place to ensure that the children, parents, staff, and all other persons attending our service are safe including Fire Safety; in the event of a fire Glór na nÓg  has adopted the following procedures: The service has all the relevant fire safety equipment recommended in the Department of Environment’s Fire Safety in Pre-Schools booklet including fire extinguishers, smoke alarms and fire blankets. Staff parents and children are to be aware of the evacuation procedures in the event of a fire. The fire assembly point for afterschool is the gate to the right when looking at the building. This will be clearly signed. In the main centre the assembly points are the front and back of the buildings at the double gates and are clearly signed. The fire assembly point for preschool children is the gate at the front wall near the road. The fire assembly point for toddlers is the gate to the back of their playground. Students/Volunteers and all staff are to be informed about what procedures to follow in the event of a fire. All new staff will be trained in this policy. Staff will be shown the location of all firefighting equipment and trained in the use of this equipment. Attendance records of all children and adults present on the premises are kept up to date, to ensure that everyone is accounted for in the event of a fire or other emergency The fire safety equipment is checked annually, and a record maintained of dates, number, type of fire-fighting equipment and smoke alarms. Fire drill instructions are posted in each room. Regular fire drills are carried out with the staff and children once a month using the fire alarm. A record is kept of all fire drills carried out. 

procedures to be followed in the event of an outbreak of fire.  

  1. The alarm must be raised no matter how small the fire is. All staff will know how to raise the alarm using the manual alarm activation boxes. Those boxes can be activated by inserting the key or any small object into the space provided.
  2. The fire brigade will be called. This may be delegated to the administrator. All relevant information must be passed onto the emergency department including, Name of the building address of the building Eircode, directions to the building type of fire situation.
  3. The evacuation procedure will be implemented by staff. The children must be calmly guided to the nearest fire exit. The role book and phone must be taken. Toilets and corridors must be checked to assure there are no children left. Children must be guided outside to the fire assembly point. A role call must be complete to account for each child.
  4. The Fire Brigade should be notified about any missing persons when they arrive at the scene.

 These procedures are printed and displayed around the building for the information of staff and children. 

A procedure for fighting the fire

 It may be possible, by the use of fire fighting equipment such as a fire extinguisher or fire blanket (where it is safe to do so), to control or extinguish a very small fire incident, but any such intervention should not delay evacuation or calling the fire brigade. 

Assisting the Fire Brigade 

When the Fire Brigade arrives, they need to be given as much information as possible in order to take the best course of action. The type of information required includes: The location of the fire; materials involved. details of missing persons; location of nearest fire hydrants; location of all access doors to the building; location of any special risks. Keys for access into any locked areas. Monitoring, reviewing, and recording all activities relating to fire prevention and fire safety All fire drills will be recorded and stored on file for 5 years All fire safety equipment will be serviced and maintained at least annually and a record of this will be stored on file for 5 years. There will be a file in the main office on fire safety which will contain all relevant records Each room also has a copy of fire drill records displayed in the room. The fire safety file in the office will be shared on a need-to-know basis with staff and others who it is relevant to. This policy is compliant with articles 18 and 19 of the Fire Services Act 1981.

 Communication Plan  

All parents are to be informed of the policy and procedures regarding Fire Safety on registration. Staff members will check with parents/guardians that they have read and understood the policy and provide any assistance needed. The Policy Statement will be included in the parent handbook. All staff members will receive training and this policy will also be reviewed with staff at induction and annual staff training. A copy of all policies will be available during all hours of operation to staff members and parents in the Policy Folder located reception area. Parents may receive a copy of the policy at any time upon request. Fire safety procedures will be available in child friendly format around the building. Parents and the staff team will receive written notification of any updates.

Contact Information If you require further information regarding this policy contact:

Name Lorraine Casey, Business Manager

Phone number 094 93 70833


Date this policy was created Sept 2008

Date the policy is reviewed May 2024

Date this policy will be reviewed May 2026