It is policy of this service to give careful attention and a prompt and courteous response to any suggestions, comments or complaints which the following procedures allow for. 

Comments Procedure: 

A comment can be made verbally or in writing to the childcare manager. The manager will make note of these in the Comments Book along with any action taken. The complaints procedure should be availed of if a satisfactory response is not received within a reasonable time. 

Complaints Procedure: 

If you wish to make a complaint, please follow the procedures below: 

  1. You should contact the facility manager to discuss and hopefully resolve the matter. 
  2. Should you still feel that the matter is unresolved then the complaint should be put in writing to the Voluntary Management Committee Chairperson. 
  3. A written acknowledgement of the complaint will be sent as soon as possible. 
  4. If the complaint is related to the behaviour of the staff, the staff member will be informed that a formal complaint has been made and be given the full details.
  5.  If required a request may be made in writing to the chairperson or the management committee to have the complaint heard by a wider group. 
  6. The management team will set up a working group to investigate the complaint. 
  7. Membership of the working group should not compromise any person directly involved in the complaint or related to the complaint, or staff member. 
  8. The outcome of the complaint must be concluded within a month. 
  9. An agreed written record of the meeting and, where appropriate, a formal letter of the outcome will be issued, within a reasonable period following the meeting. In instances where the complaint involves the welfare of a child or children, the information should be made known as stated in your Child Protection Policy.

Contact Information If you require further information regarding this policy contact:

Name Lorraine Casey, Business Manager

Phone number 094 93 70833


Date this policy was created Sept 2008

Date the policy is reviewed May 2024

Date this policy will be reviewed May 2026